Pliska-Preslav Series
Поредица Плиска-Преслав
ISSN 2603-4220 (online), ISSN 2603-4212 (print)
Academic publications by the National Archaeological Institute with Museum in the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Научни публикации на Националния археологически институт с музей при Българска академия на науките
Archaeological discoveries and excavations Series
Поредица Археологически открития и разкопки
ISSN 2603-3658 (online), ISSN 1313-0889 (print)
The Contributions to Bulgarian Archaeology (CBA) is a peer-reviewed open access academic journal. Within the journal are published mainly reports, presented at the scientific conferences "December Days of Bulgarian Medieval Archaeology".
Studia Praehistorica was launched in the late 1970s by Georgi I. Georgiev and Nikolay Ya. Merpert as a joint Bulgarian-Soviet journal of prehistory. The first volume 1–2 (1978) included the papers of the international symposium on the then increasingly well-known Varna Cemetery. From 2021, Studia Praehistorica has both print and online (open access) versions.
The journal also publishes book reviews and debates on topical concerns, and covers the time span from the Paleolithic to the Early Iron Age in the Balkans and neighboring areas.
Numismatics, Sigillography and Epigraphy Review
Годишник Нумизматика, сфрагистика и епиграфика
ISSN 2603-3275 (online), ISSN 1312-5532 (print)
Bulletin of the National archaeological institute Series|
Поредица Известия на Националния археологически институт
ISSN 2603-4603 (online), ISSN 0323-9535 (print)
Archaeological excavations and Research Series
Поредица Разкопки и проучвания
ISSN (online) 2683-0833, ISSN (print) 0205-0722
Interdisciplinary Studies Journal
Списание Интердисциплинарни изследвания
ISSN 2603-3232 (online), ISSN 0204-966X (print)
The Archaeological Rescue Excavations for Infrastructure Projects Series is dedicated to the results of large-scale excavations within the framework of development-based projects of national and international standing.
Поредицата „Спасителни археологически проучвания по инфраструктурни проекти“ е посветена на резултатите от мащабни археологически разкопки, провеждани във връзка с национално и международно значими инвестиционни намерения.
ISSN 2535-0862 (online), ISSN 2535-129X (print)
Dissertations Series presents defended PhD or DSc theses in archaeology.
Поредицата Дисертации представя защитени докторати по археология.
ISSN 2603-3100 (online), ISSN 2603-3097 (print)
Pliska-Preslav Series
Поредица Плиска-Преслав
ISSN 2603-4220 (online), ISSN 2603-4212 (print)
Archaeology Journal
Списание Археология. Орган на Националния археологически институт с музей – БАН. Списанието е основано през 1959 г. Излиза в две книжки годишно.
ISSN 0324-1203 (print)
Annual of the National Archaeological Museum Series
Поредица Годишник на националния археологически музей
ISSN 1310-7933 (print), ISSN 2738-7496 (online)