Колективна монетна находка от археологическо проучване при с. Стамболово, Ихтиманско
Coin hoard from archeological research at the village of Stambolovo, Ihtiman municipality
Late Roman coins, coin hoard, Gothic invasion in 378 ADAbstract
An object of the study is a coin hoard comprising of 185 Late Antique coins found during archeological research at the village of Stambolovo, Ihtiman Municipality in 2020. A total number of 833 coins were found during the excavations including three coin hoards. All three coin hoards were found in the Premise 1 of Building 1, in different places, dispersed in sections of about 1.00 – 1.80 m. Probably, they had been collected in leather purses hidden around the roof beams. The chronological range of the second coin hoard presented in the study is 335 – 378 AD. It hasn’t been intentionally treasured up and represents daily coin circulation in the 370s and, categorically, the coins minted in 364 – 378 AD prevail. The coins from the hoards, as well as the single ones found during the research of Building 1, which is a closed complex, is with terminus post quem – 378 AD, and the probable reason for the building destruction and the coins’ hiding is the invasion of the Goths in 378 AD.