Съкровище от номизми хистаменон на император Никифор III Вотаниат (1078 – 1081), намерено в квартал „Калето“ в град Видин
A hoard of nomismas histamenon of emperor Nicephorus III Botaneiates (1078 – 1081) found in the Kaleto neighbourhood in Vidin
coin hoard, nomismas histamenon, Nicephorus III Botaneiates, Alexius I Comnenus, VidinAbstract
This paper presents part of a coin hoard consisting of gold Byzantine coins – nomismas histamenon. The hoard was found in the town of Vidin. Unfortunately, it had been scattered by the treasure hunters, and only 150 coins were acquired by the National Museum of History – Sofia. All these coins are nomismas histamenon of Emperor Nicephorus III Botaneiates (1078 – 1081). Most probably they represent only a third or even a quarter of the entire hoard. The composition of the find is very homogeneous. On the basis of this observation we could suggest that the entire hoard consisted only of nomismas histamenon of Nicephorus III Botaneiates. It was probably hidden at the beginning of the reign of Emperor Alexius I Comnenus, in connection with the organization of the Byzantine military garrisons to oppose the invasion of the Normans.