A pedestal with inscription from the middle Strymon valley


  • Philip Kolev National Archaeological Institute with Museum, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2 Saborna Str, 1000 Sofia
  • Vladimir Petkov


pedestal, funerary monument, Greek inscription, Roman archaeology, province of Macedonia


The subject of the present article is an inscribed marble pedestal found in 2005 during archaeological excavations of an Early Byzantine basilica in Dolnoto Gradishte locality near the village of Mikrevo, Strumyani Municipality (Southwestern Bulgaria). The monument consists of a foundation and a Tuscan base. It was made in the late 1st or in the early 2nd century AD and was most probably an element of the architectural environment of a military camp. In the late 2nd century it was reused as a pedestal upon which it may be assumed that an ostotheke (ash chest) was placed. A six-line Greek inscription was engraved on the front side. It is a funerary inscription dedicated by Artemidora to the memory of her son and husband with a value of 300 denarii.




How to Cite

Kolev, P. and Petkov, V. (2023) “A pedestal with inscription from the middle Strymon valley”, Numismatics, Sigillography and Epigraphy | Нумизматика, сфрагистика и епиграфика, 19, pp. 213–223. Available at: https://publications.naim.bg/index.php/NSE/article/view/398 (Accessed: 14 January 2025).



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