
  • Vol. 26 (2019)

    This issue consists of four articles covering various topics of interest. Тhe first article, presents the results of an anthropological analysis of human hand imprint on a brick. It is extremely rare to find human hands and feet imprints in various archeological sites and materials. Even rarer are the studies of these traces. The results of the investigation give reason to Galabovа to assume that the hand on the brick from the village of Ploski belongs to a child.

    In this summarizing article: Interpreting the Archaeological Record: Archaeological Space is presented 4 study is based on Session AR16 held at the EAA conference in Glasgow, 2015. In this joint paper it has been shown that space has its own social dimension that can help archaeologists understand how past societies used it to create social meaning and value. The first example reveals how past built environment within the frame of a single settlement sharpens the sensitivity of both its inhabitants and outside visitors to the established public norms of behavior. The next example shows how a visual culture contains mental stereotypes of monumental structures that influence the spatial behavior of modern observers that want to make their own image of these structures. The third example reveals the potential of GIS and 3D representations for analyses and interpretation of the spatial organization of the large urban center from Roman times. The final example provides a critique to the typical understanding of the organization of spatial data in archaeology and offers a way of analyzing both present and absent data in order to extract the maximum information and constitute a coherent interpretation from the otherwise disparate and loosely related data.

    The results of the project:SOCIAL DIMENSIONS OF TECHNOLOGY OF CERAMIC PRODUCTION IN SOUTHEAST BULGARIA IN 6th – 2nd mill. BC show the application of different methods for the study of ceramics in prehistoric times. In this article are presents the activities and data received during the first year of the project. The research area covers Southeastern Bulgaria with nine major sites included. The subject of this instrumental study and archaeological feature are specimens that are divided into the following groups: denuded rocks, which serve as the basis of tectonic clay; clay; ceramics; organic residues and impressions of mats and baskets on the pottery bases. Different methods and analyzes have been applied to solve the problems posed: cartographic analysis and description of the landscape, morphological and typological analysis, dating; instrumental methods; Chemical analysis, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), petrographic analysis etc.
    Avramova applies a geomagnetic method in the study of three collections – Roman bricks (taken from the Diocletianopolis city wall, present Hissarya), Turkish bricks (coming from a mosque excavated on the territory of „40 Saint Martyrs” church, Veliko Tarnovo) and bricks with inscription (found also on the territory of „40 Saint Martyrs” church.. The dating intervals obtained on 95 percent probability level (2σ) are: 1817 – 1894 AD (Turkish bricks) and 1833 – 1894 AD (bricks with inscription) as they ended with the last year of the Bulgarian archaeomagnetic dataset. The archaeomagnetic dating interval obtained for the Turkish bricks indicate that they were produced rather in the end of the Ottoman ruling than in the end of XVII – beginning of XVIII century.The Turkish bricks and the bricks with inscription are included as new referent points with their archaeological dates in the Bulgarian archaeomagnetic database. With the new study of the Roman bricks an important correction for the referent site Hissarya was done. This demonstrates the importance and requirement of regular revision of the available archaeomagnetic dataset especially with regard to the old results.

  • IntStudies 25 2018 cover

    Vol. 25 (2018)

    In this issue consists of four papers that cover different topics. In the first article, B. Galabova and N. Timeva present the results of an anthropological study of a considerable number of human remains, discovered during archaeological excavations of thirteen localities. Tz. Popova presents the use of various plants in ritual contexts from the Antiquity – sanctuaries and necropolises. Ts. Tsonev considers three different aspects of the relationship established between the social identity and the chipped-stone techniques. These aspects are ‘distance’, ‘exotic’, and ‘quality’. O. Vitov applied a methodology for creating predictive maps for calculating the chances of occurrence of ore and metallurgical centers. The study covers the period that spans between early Chalcolitic to the Bronze Age. This approach has been tested in the region of the water-catchment basins of the rivers Struma and Mesta in SW Bulgaria. It analyzes the available data from stream-sediment pan-concentrated surveys. The analysis established presence of native copper, cuprite, azurite, malachite, torbernite, chalcopyrite, native lead, pyromorphite, cassiterite.


    В настоящият брой са включени четири публикации на различни теми. В първата публикация на Борислава Гълъбова и Надежда Тимева са представени резултатите от антропологично изследване на значителн брой човешки останки, открити при археологически разкопки от 13 локалитета. Цветана Попова представя употребата на растенията в различни ритуални и всекидневни практики в Античността, открити в светилища и некрополи. В публикацията на Цони Цонев се разглеждат три различни аспекта на връзката между социалната идентичност и технологията (техника с чукалка) за производство на каменни сечива и предмети. Тези аспекти са: “разстояние”, “екзотично”, и “качество”. Олег Витов е приложил методика за минераложко прогнозиране на площи за търсене на рудодобивни и металургични центрове от ранния халколит до бронзовата епоха. Извършена е апробация на методиката във водосборните райони на реките Струма и Места, ЮЗ България. Използвани са данни от шлихоминераложкото картиране на района в които са установени: самородна мед, куприт, азурит, малахит, торбернит, халкопирит, самородно олово, пироморфит, каситерит.